Saturday, September 19, 2009

Vacation to Kota Kinabalu Sabah

Assalammualaikum and heya guys & gurls..Alhamdulillah Hari Raya will be on Monday instead of tomorrow since i havent do much preparation..sorry for da lack of updates..had been away to Kota Kinabalu Sabah for a short trip which was only 4 days and 3 nights..we stayed 2nights at Novotel 1Borneo and da final night was at Tangs Dynasty Hotel coz we wanted to eat at da gerai malam but unfortunately it was under renovation..

Dis tym i didnt do much shoppin instead im givin a chance to mababe as an anniversary gift for her bein an educator for 7years..congrates again babe..she bought 17pairs of longsleeves, 3pairs of shoes and much handbags dis tym hehehe..beside den shoppin and eatin, it was our first experienced travellin durin puasa..i cant say i din enjoy ma trip but i was starvin all da tym and eatin at the public area is not allowed at all so i found it quite difficult but anyway it was a whole lot of great experienced..

We luvs da new KK International airport which is much better den ours and im sure its gona be somethin big like KLIA..its partially done so far and we spend rm50 for our taxi from Airport to 1Borneo which was only rm40 before heheh..

Our first sungkai was at Nelayan BBQ Hot Pot..since mababe was cravin for all does grillin n steamboat den we decided to break our fast der..macam2 dugaan kan menuju ke Nelayan Restaurant..findin da location of da restaurant took us half n hour n sumthin bad n memalukan + cali happened too hehehe..dugaan namanya 2 and maybe kepunan setangahnya..

Afta dinner as usual we went for shoppin..our first shop was FCUK and i bought 2 pairs of tshirt while da rest of da nytes was mababe's shoppin tym at esprit, padini, seed and much more..da currency exchange durin our trip was 2.44 n it wasnt dat bad at all..alot of sales and alot of new arrivals which make our trip more meaningful dis tym..

Enuf of dat i guess and as we got back to Brunei we had our dinner at Meradun Restaurant Gadong..barutah nyaman makan sudah balik brunei..its not makanan d KK nda nyaman but mencari nasi campur is dficult coz we din go to Wisma Merdeka dis tym..Shoppin continues in our beloved country wen we start to collect our 1st day baju raya n do some groceries shoppin..bad traffics, crowded everywer but happenin heheh..apa jua setahun sekali orang berasak2 cematu and terasa lah jua meriah suasana hari raya..

For u..I had a great vacation with u n will always do..cant wait for da next trip..*huGz*

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